

发布时间:2022年03月02日   来源:    作者:   点击:[]

赖黎明博士,最刺激的直播app农学系教授,河套英才,河套灌区土壤研究中心主任。主要研究领域是土壤健康评价与改良、农业生产对土壤与环境的影响。讲授课程《土壤地理学》与《土壤改良学》。他专注于土壤质量提升、土壤温室气体(CO2N2O、CH4)减排、DAYCENT模型预测土壤温室气体排放大数据分析等研究在美国South Dakota State University(南达科他州立大学)工作10年作为主要完成人参与美国国家自然科学基金项目、美国能源部、农业部、州立项目5项课题的研究。现在主持内蒙古自然基金项目1项、内蒙古科技厅项目2项、巴彦淖尔市项目2项与最刺激的直播app课题2项。发表SCI论文18篇多家外国英文学术期刊评审人是集土壤改良、土壤温室气体减排、大数据分析、团队与项目管理等于一身的复合型研究与管理人才。电子邮箱:Liming.Lai@qq.com.


  1. Lai, L., Kumar, S., Rastogi, D., & Ashfaq, M. 2022. Temporal variabilities of soil carbon dioxide fluxes from cornfield impacted by temperature and precipitation changes through high-frequent measurement and DAYCENT modeling. The Journal of Agricultural Science. doi:10.1017/S0021859622000132 (网络首发).

  2. Lai Liming, Yilmaz Turhan, Kumar Sandeep, Fennell Anne, Gonzalez Hernandez Jose L. 2022. Influences of grassland to cropland conversion onsoil properties, microbiome and agricultural emissions. Soil Research. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR21112 (网络首发).

  3. 赖黎明, 美丽, 杨旸. 内蒙古河套灌区农业土壤特征与发展分析[J]. 江苏农业科学, 2022, 50(02): 213-218.

  4. 杨旸, 郝水源, 赖黎明. 有机肥氮替代化肥对春玉米土壤养分、酶活性及产量的影响[J]. 内蒙古农业大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 42(04): 20-26.

  5. Lai, L. and Kumar, S., 2020. A global meta-analysis of livestock grazing impacts on soil properties. Plos One, 15(8), p.e0236638.

  6. Udayakumar Sekaran, Liming Lai, David A.N. Ussiri, Sandeep Kumar, Sharon Clay.

    2020. Role of integrated crop-livestock systems in improving agriculture production and addressing food security – A review. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 5: 100190.

  7. Li, N., P. Kumar, L. Lai, G.O. Abagandura, S. Kumar, T. Nleya, H.L. Sieverding, J.J. Stone, and W. Gibbons. 2019. Response of soil greenhouse gas fluxes and soil properties to nitrogen fertilizer rates under camelina and carinata nonfood oilseed crops. Bioenergy Research, 12: 524-535.

  8. Kumar S, Lai L, Kumar P, Feliciano V, Marie Y, Battaglia ML, Hong CO, Owens VN, Fike J, Farris R, Galbraith J. 2019. Impacts of nitrogen rate and landscape position on soils and switchgrass root growth parameters. Agronomy Journal, 111(3):1046-59.

  9. Kumar P, Lai L, Battaglia ML, Kumar S, Owens V, Fike J, Galbraith J, Hong CO, Farris R, Crawford R, Crawford J. 2019. Impacts of nitrogen fertilization rate and landscape position onsoil properties in switchgrass field at four sites in the USA. Catena, 180:183-93.

  10. Kumar, S., Sieverding, H., Lai, L., Thandiwe, N., Wienhold, B., Redfearn, D., Archer, D., Ussiri, D., Faust, D., Landblom, D., Grings, E.,, Stone, J.J., Jacquet, J., Pokharel, K., Liebig, M., Schmer, M., Sexton, P., Mitchell, R., Smalley, S., Osborne, S., Ali, S., Şentürklü, S., Sehgal, S., Owens, V.N., and Jin, V. 2019. Facilitating crop-livestock reintegration in the Northern Great Plains. Agronomy Journal, 111: 2141–2156.

  11. Lai, L., Kumar, S., Osborne, S., & Owens, V. N. 2018. Switchgrass impact on selected soil parameters, including soil organic carbon, within six years of establishment, Catena, 163, 288-296.

  12. Lai, L., Hong, C. O., Kumar, S., Osborne, S. L., Lehman, R. M., & Owens, V. N. 2018. Soil nitrogen dynamics in switchgrass seeded to a marginal cropland in South Dakota. GCB Bioenergy, 10(1), 28-38.

  13. Lai, L., Kumar, S., Folle, S.M. and Owens, V.N. 2018. Predicting soils and environmental impacts associated with switchgrass for bioenergy production: a DAYCENT modeling approach. GCB Bioenergy, 10, 287–302.

  14. Lai, L., Kumar, S., Mbonimpa, E. G., Hong, C. O., Owens, V. N., & Neupane, R. P. 2016. Evaluating the impacts of landscape positions and nitrogen fertilizer rates on dissolved organic carbon on switchgrass land seeded on marginally yielding cropland. Journal of Environmental Management, 171, 113-120.

  15. Lai, L., Kumar, S., Chintala, R., Owens, V. N., Clay, D., Schumacher, J., & Rafique, R. 2016. Modeling the impacts of temperature and precipitation changes on soil CO2 fluxes from a Switchgrass stand recently converted from cropland. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 43, 15-25.

  16. Mbonimpa, E. G., Gautam, S., Lai, L., Kumar, S., Bonta, J., Wang, X., and Rafique, R. 2015. Combined PEST and Trial–Error approach to improve APEX calibration. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 114, 296-303.

  17. Lai, L., and Ge, S. X. 2014. Meta-analysis of gene expression signatures reveals hidden links among diverse biological processes in arabidopsis. Plos One, 9(11): e108567.

  18. Lai L., A. Liberzon, J. Hennessey, G. Jiang, J. Qi, J. Mesirov, and S.X. Ge. 2012. AraPath: a knowledgebase for pathway analysis in Arabidopsis, Bioinformatics, 28, 2291-2292.

  19. Wilson T.J., L. Lai, Y. Ban and S.X. Ge. 2012. Identification of metagenes and their interactions through large-scale analysis of Arabidopsis gene expression data, BMC Genomics, 13:237, 1-14.

